Cooking Club
Welcome to the Homemade Baby Cooking Club!!!
Although cooking for your baby is exciting, cooking together is even better!! Joining our club is easy...
1. First, join us on social media. In doing so, you will automatically become a member of our baby food cooking community.
2. Second, sign up for our email list and be the first to know the Homemade Baby buzz. Get immediate insight on our monthly cooking club challenge as well as the freshest chatter :)

-December -
Monthly Cooking Club
1. Every month I will highlight a specific ingredient. Check your email for the latest updates on the secret ingredient.
2. During the month of November we will be showcasing the sweet taste of KALE as our ingredient of the month.
3. To enter our monthly Homemade Baby Cooking Club Challenge, simply prepare kale during the month of December for your baby and snap a picture. Feel free to prepare this ingredient as a single food or in combination with other ingredients. The possibilities are endless!
4. Send your picture, your name, and a few words to hello@myhomemadebaby.com by the end of the month. The deadline is December 31st!!
5. I will randomly select a winner and showcase your pictures in January. Hope you have a blast in the kitchen!