Monthly Meal Planning & Preparation
Service Description
You will end this conference with a personalized baby meal calendar and shopping list that will detail ONE MONTH of baby meals! Our early planning methods, meal preparation guidance, serving variations, and storage solutions will ensure healthy meals for your baby while accommodating busy lifestyles. This practice will maximize your time, save you money, and guarantee that your baby has nutrient-dense meals readily available. Some items on the list during this call include: - Personalized baby meal calendar - Personalized monthly shopping list - Introductions of new foods - Food allergy and tolerance tracking - Texture and consistency readiness - Delicious and nutritious food combinations - Pairing food with seasonings - Number of meals per day - Preparation and storage recommendations - Serving recommendations Upon booking, a personalized Zoom meeting link will be sent to the email provided. Please use this link to log into your meeting on your specified day and time. Can't wait to chat! See you then!
Contact Details